Creating Pathways To Student Success

Creating Pathways To Student Success

Creating Pathways To Student Success


TEC's DESE approved programs are designed to provide meaningful learning in a supportive environment.

TEC campus school serves individuals with special needs and complex disabilities

TEC Campus School

TEC Campus School is a small and supportive special education community serving individuals with special needs and complex disabilities.

TEC High School is a therapeutic day school for students

TEC High School

TEC High School is a therapeutic day school for students with internalizing behaviors and social-emotional challenges focusing on personal wellness, academic achievement, and college & career readiness.

TEC Phoenix Academy students

TEC Academy - Phoenix

TEC Phoenix Academy is a therapeutic day school for students with external emotional and behavioral challenges focusing on developing positive behavioral skills, academic success, identifying personal goals, and post-secondary experiences.


TEC Academy – Lower Campus

TEC Academy - Lower Campus (TAL) is dedicated to providing a nurturing and supportive environment for students in grades K-2 who face social, emotional, and/or behavioral challenges that hinder their participation in the general education setting.


Expertise in
Special Education

Exceptional Education, Support, and Facilities

Compassionate and highly skilled DESE licensed staff
Closely integrated flexible approach to support each student
Strong partnership with families
Small personalized setting
Individualized support to nurture the potential of each student.
Beautiful campus with dedicated accessible facilities

What Our Families and
Staff Say About TEC

Our son came to TEC about three years ago, after being in a class where his teacher didn't know how to teach him and he wasn't included in all the activities. After three weeks [at TCS], he was learning! He was also included in everything in the classroom and was happy, energized and engaged.

Parent of TEC Student

"Our son is a bright, charming, and social guy who manages a severe physical disability, along with frequent seizures, communication challenges, and anxiety. Change is particularly difficult for him, and he was quite worried about how well his needs would be met at a new school. Right from the start, his school team was committed to learning as much as they could about him to ensure his comfort and make his transition as smooth as possible. The communication between team members, parents, and students is top notch. The team is meeting our son where he is at and feel confident that his physical/medical and social emotional needs are being met with great care and attention.”

Parent of TEC Student

TEC High School was a wonderful fit for my daughter. By the time you're faced with finding an out of district placement for your child, you’ve already experienced a lot of emotional distress. The staff, teachers and students were all so welcoming, compassionate and understanding.

Parent of TEC Student

TEC Phoenix Academy has given our son a tremendous amount of confidence. The staff...understands [his] needs and works hard to help him with his anxiety. He has made great progress over the past 2 years!

Parent of TEC Student

Our daughter has gained so much from being in school! All the staff has a way of teaching her that I was not able to do. She gets all her therapies at TEC and is progressing! She absolutely loves going to school and wakes up full of smiles when I tell her time to get up for school!

Parent of a TEC Student

“[My son] comes home in a better mood since enrolling at TEC Phoenix Academy. There is also no problem getting him up for school anymore in the morning. He looks forward to it, which is something we have never seen before!”

Parent of TEC Student

Creating Opportunities

Empowering Educators and Districts

Professional Learning and Business Services


TEC Professional Development

Offers an array of professional learning, license renewal workshops, degree programs, and job-alike groups for teachers, administrators, and other school-related staff.

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TEC Student Data Privacy Services

A successful collaborative service model developed to provide schools and districts with administrative and legal support to negotiate student data privacy terms with their software vendors.

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TEC Bids Cooperative Purchasing

A cooperative purchasing program for competitive bid savings on food, office and school supplies, custodial, athletic equipment, and fuel.

Empowering Students

Creating educational advancement for students in member districts and across Massachusetts

Video Call

TEC Online Learning

Expanding options for K-12 students in TEC member districts by providing access to online courses with MA licensed teachers.


TEC Internship Program

A career internship and field study placement program supporting junior and senior high school students as well as college students in the Boston Metrowest area.


TEC College Fairs

Opportunities for high school students to engage with local and nationally known college representatives as they navigate post-secondary education options.

About TEC

At TEC, we see a world filled with possibilities.

TEC is the oldest public, non-profit, educational collaborative in Massachusetts. We develop and coordinate educational and organizational programs to meet the needs of our member communities and their students. We do this by complementing and strengthening their school programs and expanding opportunities for their students, educators, and communities in the most cost-effective manner.

Our Massachusetts member school districts include:
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